2004b 27 Live Wire toy2

2004b 27 Live Wire toy

2004b 27 Live Wire real2

2004b 27 Live Wire real1

2004b 26 Bounty Hunter toy

2004b 25 Jurassic Attack toy1

2004b 25 Beware of the Junkyard dog toy

2004b 20 Sergeant Smash

2004b 14 TMNT Leonardo toy

2004b 12 Cyborg toy

2004b 10 SurfBus-SurfMonster

2004b 8 Taz

2004b 7 King Krunch toy1

2004b 7 King Krunch real2

2004b 7 King Krunch real1

2004b 7 Batman toy1

2004b 5 Grave Digger Grain toy

2004b 5 Grave digger toy1

2004b 3 blue thunder toy1

2004b 2 Maximum Destruction toy1

2004b 1 Black Stallion real2

2004b 1 Black Stallion real1

2003 Sergeant Smash

2003 40 Inferno toy2

2003 40 Inferno toy1

2003 40 Inferno real2

2003 40 Inferno real1